The Dream is to share an experience which will change the way people see Melbourne, and perhaps their life, differently after experiencing a Harley Ride - Taking people out of their comfort zones - making them realize that all they know about mototcycles are but Myths!
Only when people have been out for a Harley Ride with us, do they realise why they needed to do it. But, many of our booking are made not be the ones going for the ride, but by their friends who have organised a ride for them. Our greatest challenge is to convince people that everyone needs to do this - even if they have no interest in motorcycles.
Over the last few months our passengers have ranged from corporate groups in Melbourne for an Incentive/Reward conference, A Listers from Brazil here to produce TV shows, for Tourism Victoria, to Grandmothers and none of them have ever been near a motorcycle in their lives. But, now they understand.