Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ride for the Hills - Bushfire Fundraising Ride

Areas north of Melbourne and across Victoria were devastated by fire on Black Saturday in early February 2009. Several thousand homes were destroyed and over 300 people lost their lives. The Victorian Motorcycle Community are organizing one of the biggest Charity Rides ever seen in Melbourne on Sunday 5th April. There will be up to 15,000 bikes involved.

For more information visit

If you would like to donate, do so above.

Monday, March 02, 2009

New Free Online Harley Rides Book Edition 2

What can you do with a Harley Davidson motorcycle? You would be surprised by some of the Harley Rides requests that we get. They range from taking someone for a joyride on their birthday, displaying our machines at Conferences right through to appearing in TV Shows and in Television Travel Documentaries.

While taking out tourists may appear to be all we do - there are many other things which we get called on to perform.

A phone call from a customer recently sounded like this - "This may seem like something from out of left field, but....." The answer is quite often, "Yes, we have done that many times."